Junior Bowls 2006

Wigan & District Crown Green Bowling 'Taster Sessions for schools'.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Tournament finishes with a Scram-Down

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Competition was Fierce

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Bowlers of the Future

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Bowlers of the Future

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Group Photos

Monday Tournament Group.
Wednesday Tournament Group.
Junior Bowls Team Group.

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School Teams (Wednesday)

St. John Fisher High School.
Deanery High School (Wednesday).
Kingsdown High School.
Orrell St. Peters High School (Winners).

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School Teams

Shevington High School.
Hindley High School.
Hawkley Hall High School.
Deanery High School (Monday Team).

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Monday Tournament

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Here are a few pictures of the Junior Bowls Tournaments held at the Bellingham Bowling Club, Wigan.
Thanks to all the schools that took part; all the helpers; British Crown Green Bowling Association representative Ken Jarvis; Lancashire Crown Green Bowling Association representative Hilda Jones; all the local bowling clubs and Wigan Borough Council for allowing the use of the bowling greens and facilities.
CHEERS! here's to next season!

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